On August 20, Facebook compiled insights from a set of reports. The reports consisted of data taken from surveys, third-party research and native Facebook data. These reports provide marketers with a broad look at media trends in the wake of COVID-19.
The insights cover 5 Key Areas:
Safer Shopping
It’s no surprise, new safety requirements are top of mind for consumers. “In the US alone, 71% of people now say safety is key when deciding where to shop (fast approaching price, at 79%).”
Mindful Wellness
Adjusting to new levels of stress, people have turned their attention to finding peace through things like baking, gardening, and meditating. “Discussions relating to the easy-to-learn and potentially meditative activity of acrylic painting doubled year over year, and interest in victory gardens blossomed by a remarkable 39.5 times.”
Local Community
Appreciation for local businesses and communities deepened as many beloved local shops were forced to close their doors. “On Facebook, from February to May 2020, clicks on searches for local businesses increased by 23%. 5 And local groups on Facebook grew their membership by 3.3 times.”
Gen Z’s Regeneration
Currently a staggering 41% of the world’s population is under the age of 25. Because of their age, this demographic will likely experience the greatest impact from COVID-19. “Gen Zers globally are 1.21 times more likely than average to say reducing their environmental impact has become a lot more important as a result of the coronavirus. 2 And 54% of Gen Zers in Europe say they’ve grown more interested in activism and social causes because of the pandemic.”
Connected Convenience
Again — not terribly surprising, but feeling together while maintaining physical distance has become more valuable than ever. This desire for human connection has affected consumers’ expectations for how they can interact with a business. “In the US, 79% of people who recently tried telemedicine said they were doing so for the first time.”
Key Takeaways:
Understanding the new mindset of the consumer will allow your business to better serve potential customers. Be forward and clear with ways your brand has shifted to become more accommodating, it could be the deciding factor between your business and a competitor!